CECRI KARAIKUDI Recruitment 2022
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CECRI Karaikudi காலியாக உள்ள Junior Secretariat Assistant (Gen), Junior Secretariat Assistant (F&A), Junior Secretariat Assistant (S&P) Junior Stenographer, Receptionist ஆகிய பணியிடங்களை நிரப்பிடுவதற்கான அறிவிப்பு (CECRI Karaikudi Recruitment 2022) வெளியிடப்பட்டுள்ளது.
மொத்தம் 14 பணியிடங்கள் உள்ள நிலையில் இப்பணிகளுக்கு ரூ.50,000 வரையில் ஊதியம் நிர்ணயம் செய்யப்பட்டுள்ளது. தகுதியும், விருப்பமும் உள்ளவர்கள் கீழ்காணும் முறையில் விண்ணப்பித்து பயனடையலாம்.
Job Location
Karaikudi, Tamilnadu
Job Type
மொத்த பணியிடங்கள் – CECRI Karaikudi Recruitment 2022
14 பணியிடங்கள்
Post Code | Name of Posts | No. of Posts |
JSAG-UR | Junior Secretariat Assistant (GEN) | 03 |
JSAG-SC | Junior Secretariat Assistant (GEN) | 01 |
JSAG-EW | Junior Secretariat Assistant (GEN) | 01 |
JSAF-OBC | Junior Secretariat Assistant (F&A) | 01 |
JSAF-SC | Junior Secretariat Assistant (F&A) | 01 |
JSAP-UR | Junior Secretariat Assistant (S&P) | 01 |
JSAP-OBC | Junior Secretariat Assistant (S&P) | 01 |
JST-UR | Junior Stenographer | 03 |
JST-OBC | Junior Stenographer | 01 |
RE-AD | Receptionist | 01 |
Total | 14 |
கல்வித் தகுதி:
1. Junior Secretariat Assistant (Gen ) – 10+2/XII or its equivalent and proficiency in computer type speed and in using computer @ 35 wpm in English (on computer correspond to 10500 KDPH on an average of 5 key depressions for each word). {Time allowed 10 mts}
2. Junior Secretariat Assistant (F&A) – 10+2/XII or its equivalent with Accountancy as one of the subjects and proficiency in computer type speed and in using computer @ 35 wpm in English (on computer correspond to 10500 KDPH on an average of 5 key depressions for each word). {Time allowed 10 mts}
3. Junior Secretariat Assistant (S&P) – 10+2/XII or its equivalent and proficiency in computer type speed and in using computer @ 35 wpm in English (on computer correspond to 10500 KDPH on an average of 5 key depressions for each word). {Time allowed 10 mts}
4. Junior stenographer – 10+2/XII or its equivalent and speed of 80 w.p.m in shorthand in English. {Dictation:10 mts and Transcription:50 mts}
5. Receptionist – Graduate with two years relevant experience as Receptionist in a Govt./ Autonomous Body/ Public Undertaking

ஊதியம் – CECRI Karaikudi Recruitment 2022
1. Junior Secretariat Assistant (Gen) – Rs.19900-63200 Level-2 Gross Rs.28,415/-
2. Junior Secretariat Assistant (F&A) – Rs.19900-63200 Level-2 Gross Rs.28,415/-
3. Junior Secretariat Assistant (S&P) – Rs.19900-63200 Level-2 Gross Rs.28,415/-
4. Junior stenographer – Rs.25500-81100 Level-4 Gross Rs.37,239/
5. Receptionist – Rs.35400- 112400 Level-6 Gross Rs.50,802/-
வயது வரம்பு – CECRI Karaikudi Recruitment 2022
General/UR/EWS – 21-30 Years
SC/ST – 21-35 Years
OBC- 21-33 Years
விண்ணப்பக் கட்டணம்
For General / UR / OBC– Rs. 500
For SC / ST / PwBd / Women / CSIR Employees– ஆகியவர்களுக்கு தேர்வு கட்டணத்திலிருந்து விலக்கு அளிக்கப்படுகிறது
Payment Mode : Online / Challan
Name of Account Holder: Director, CSIR–CECRI, Karaikudi
Account Number: 737253625
Bank Name: Indian Bank, A.C. Campus Branch, Karaikudi
IFS Code: IDIB000A008
MICR No.: 630019203
– The candidates belonging to SC/ST/PwBD/Women/CSIR Employees are exempted from payment of application fee. The candidates staying abroad are required to remit the bank commission charges along with the application fee.
– (i) To apply online, the candidate has to register with his/her name and email id.
(ii) The candidate has to login using the credentials and apply through the electronic application form
விண்ணப்பிக்கும் முறை – CECRI Karaikudi Recruitment 2022
CECRI Karaikudi சார்பில் தேர்வு செய்யப்பட உள்ள இப்பணியிடத்திற்குத் தகுதியும், விருப்பமும் உள்ளவர்கள் https://jsarecruit.cecri.res.in/ என்ற இணையதளம் மூலம் விண்ணப்பத்தை பூர்த்தி செய்து, 14/01/2022 முதல் 14/02/2022 குள் விண்ணப்பத்தை சமர்ப்பிக்க வேண்டும்.
How to apply for CECRI Karaikudi Post:
a. Eligible candidates are required to apply ONLINE through our website http://www.cecri.res.in
b. If the candidate does not have a valid email id, he/she should create a new valid email id before applying online.
c. Online application will be available in CSIR–CECRI website http://www.cecri.res.in from 09:00 a.m. on 14.01.2022 (from 09.00 A.M) (Friday) to 11.59 p.m. on 14.02.2022 (upto 11.59 P.M)(Monday).
d. The last date for submitting online application and remittance of application fee is 14.02.2022 (upto 11.59 P.M).
விண்ணப்பிக்க வேண்டிய கடைசி நாள்
இத்தேர்வுக்கு விண்ணப்பிக்க – இங்கு கிளிக் செய்யவும்
இத்தேர்வுக்கான அறிவிப்பு ஆணை பெற – இங்கு கிளிக் செய்யவும்
இத்தேர்வு குறித்து மேலும் விவரங்களை பெற – இங்கு கிளிக் செய்யவும்
Selection for the post of JSA (GEN/F&A/S&P): The candidates fulfilling all necessary eligibility criteria as recommended by the Screening Committee will be invited for open competitive written examination and typewriting test on computer. The written exam will consist of two papers (Paper-I & Paper-II). Paper-II will be evaluated only for those candidates who secure the minimum threshold marks (to be determined by the Selection Committee) in the first paper (Paper-I). The proficiency in computer typing speed and in using computer will only be qualifying in nature. The final merit list will be prepared on the basis of the performance in the competitive written examination in Paper-II, who have qualified the proficiency in computer typing. Syllabus for the examination is attached herewith as Annexure-I
2. Selection for the post of Junior Stenographer: The candidates fulfilling all necessary eligibility criteria as recommended by the Screening Committee will be invited for open competitive written examination and stenography. The proficiency in stenography will only be qualifying in nature; the final merit list will be prepared on the basis of the performance of the candidates in the competitive written examination. The merit list will comprise of those candidates who have qualified the proficiency test in stenography. Syllabus for the Examination/Test is attached herewith as Annexure-II
3. Selection for the post of Receptionist: The candidates fulfilling all necessary eligibility criteria as recommended by the Screening Committee will be invited for open competitive written examination and Personality Assessment Test. The detailed selection procedure will be notified separately on the Institute website.
2) General Information & conditions:
a. The number of vacancies indicated against each category is provisional. The Director, CSIRCECRI has discretion to increase or decrease the number of posts or cancel the recruitment
process at any stage.
b. The applicant must be a citizen of India.
c. All applicants must fulfill the essential requirements of the post and other conditions stipulated in
the advertisement as on the last date of receipt of the on-line applications. They are advised to
satisfy themselves before applying that they possess atleast the essential qualifications laid down
for various posts as on the last date of receipt of the on-line applications. No interim enquiry asking
for advice as to eligibility will be entertained.
d. The prescribed essential qualifications are the minimum and the mere possession of the same
does not entitle the candidates to be called for typing test on computer /stenography test/written
examination. The duly constituted Screening Committee will adopt its own criteria for short-listing
the candidates. The candidate should therefore, mention in the application all the qualifications and
experience in the relevant area over and above the minimum prescribed qualification, supported
with necessary documents.
e. The application should be accompanied by self-attested copies of the relevant educational
qualification, experience. The prescribed qualifications should have been obtained through
recognized Universities / Institutions. Incomplete applications/applications received without the
required certificates / documents are liable to be rejected.
f. In respect of equivalent clause in Essential Educational Qualifications, if a candidate is claiming a
particular qualification as equivalent qualification as per the requirement of advertisement, then the
candidate is required to produce order/letter in this regard, indicating the Authority (with number
and date) under which it has been so treated otherwise the application is liable to be rejected.
g. If any document/ certificate furnished is in a language other than Hindi or English, a transcript of
the same duly attested by a Gazetted officer or notary is to be submitted.
h. The date for determining the upper age limit, qualifications and /or experience shall be the closing
date prescribed for receipt of on-line applications.
i. The period of experience in a discipline / area of work, wherever prescribed, shall be counted after
the date of acquiring the minimum educational qualifications prescribed for that Grade.
j. Any discrepancy found between the information given in the application and as evident in original
documents will make the candidate ineligible for appearing in written examination.
k. The decision of the Director, CSIR-CECRI in all matters relating to eligibility, acceptance or
rejection of applications, mode of selection and conduct examination will be final and binding on
the candidates.
l. Canvassing in any form and / or bringing any political influence or otherwise will be treated as a
disqualification for the post.