Tamilnadu Diploma in Nursing 2022 Online Application Link

Tamilnadu Diploma in Nursing 2022 Online Application Link

The online submission of Application form for admission to Diploma in
Nursing Course for 2022-2023 session in Tamil Nadu Government Medical
Colleges can be accessed from the following websites

Any change or modification and relevant information pertaining to this
admission process will be made and available on the above websites.

Tamilnadu Diploma in Nursing 2022 Online Application Link
Tamilnadu Diploma in Nursing 2022 Online Application Link

The candidates are instructed to visit the above websites frequently for
updates from the date of application till the end of admission process without
fail. Selection committee will not be responsible for consequences resulting
due to non-diligent follow-up of notices, notification and publications
appearing on the websites regarding admission to Diploma in Nursing course
for 2022-2023 session.

If a candidate is unable to access the online application, then they can appear
in person with parent or guardian, along with all the original certificates at any
one of the facilitation centre available in the nearest Government Medical
Colleges / Tamil Nadu Government Dental College / Government Erode
Medical College, Perundurai / Rajah Muthiah Medical and Dental College,
Chidambaram for registration purpose.

Candidates are advised to take printout the prospectus and read the
prospectus carefully with parents or Guardian before filling the online
application and ensure that no mandatory column is left blank. In the event of
rejection of the online application form, no correspondence/ request for reconsideration will be entertained.

Incomplete online application form will be summarily rejected.

Incaseof any doubt kindly verify both Tamil / English version.


Tamilnadu Diploma in Nursing 2022 Online Application Link


  1. Candidates seeking admission to Diploma in Nursing course for Women should
    upload their online filled in application form along with necessary enclosures
    before 5.00 pm on 12-08-2022.
  2. Request for extension of time for appling and uploading the documents after thespecified date and time will not be considered.
  3. Any supporting documents / online applications after due date can not be uploaded / register.
  4. Candidates seeking admission under Special Category for Diploma in Nursingcourse for Women (Children of Ex-Servicemen Orthopaedically PhysicallyDisabled and Eminent sports person) shall upload the prescribed format[(Annexure-I, II (A) & (B) and III (A),(B)&(C)].
  5. If the required certificate for special category are not uploaded the candidate will not be considered under special category. But they will be considered under general category only.


The candidate should be a citizen of India and Native of Tamil Nadu


  1. Candidates belonging to other States cannot claim native of Tamil Nadu
  2. Candidates who are Native of Tamil Nadu and who have studied 6th standard to 12th standard in schools of Tamil Nadu need not upload their “Nativity Certificate”.
  3. Permanent Residence Certificate in Lieu of Nativity Certificate will not be accepted.
  4. Candidates who are Native of Tamil Nadu, but studied their educationfrom 6th Standard to 12th standard either partly or completely in one or more states should upload their Nativity Certificate issued by the competent authority and true copies of their parent’s certificates such as SSLC /10th Mark Sheet,12th Mark Sheet,Transfer Certificate, Aadhar, Voter’s ID, Driving License, Passport and Ration Card to substantiate their place of birth in Tamil Nadu, to ensure the relationship between the parent and candidate. If the supporting documents are not uploaded, then the online application will be summarily rejected.
  5. Candidates who are native of Tamil Nadu alone will be eligible for communal reservation.
  6. Other State candidates who are not native of Tamil Nadu but who have Studied 6th standard to 12th standard in Tamil Nadu will be treated as OC (Open Competition) candidate.


  1. Only women candidates are eligible to apply Diploma in Nursing Course.
  2. The Third Gender candidates who identify themselves as “Female” byself-declaration should upload their certificate (ID card) issued by the Tamil Nadu Third gender Welfare Board(TNTGWB) are also eligible to apply Diploma in Nursing Course.


Candidates should have completed 17 years of age as on 31st December 2022

(Those who were born few days later can also be included i.e.
maximum 15 days).

Candidates shall not exceed more than 35 years as on the 31st December


  1. Candidates should have studied “Tamil” as the first language.
  2. Candidates should have passed in all the subjects of the qualifying examination of the Higher Secondary Certificate Examination conducted by the Tamil Nadu State Board /any other equivalent Board in the following group of subjects.
  3. 65% of the seats will be filled up with candidates in the following subjects.

A. Physics, Chemistry, Biology with any other subject.

B. Physics, Chemistry, Botany, Zoology.

4. 25% of the seats will be filled up with candidates in the following subjects.

A. Vocational Nursing.
B. Foundation Science as Vocational subject.


For OC, BC, BCM & MBC/DNC Candidates: A pass in HSC with 40% of aggregate of marks

For SC/SCA/ST candidates: A pass in Higher Secondary Course

Online Application Link

Link 1 Click here to apply

Link 2 Click here to apply

Notification – Click here to download

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Tamilnadu Diploma in Nursing 2022 Online Application Link
Tamilnadu Diploma in Nursing 2022 Online Application Link

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