தமிழ்நாடு அரசு பள்ளி கல்வி துறை சார்பில் ரூ. 45,000 வரை ஊதியத்தில் Fellowship வேலைவாய்ப்பு அறிவிப்பு Tamilnadu Education Fellowship Recruitment 2022

Tamilnadu Education Fellowship Recruitment 2022

Tamilnadu Education Fellowship Recruitment 2022

தமிழ்நாடு அரசு பள்ளி கல்வி துறை சார்பில் காலியாக உள்ள Fellow , Senior Fellow ஆகிய  பணியிடங்களை நிரப்பிடுவதற்கான அறிவிப்பு (Tamilnadu Fellowship Recruitment 2022) வெளியிடப்பட்டுள்ளது.

கல்வித் தகுதி – Tamilnadu Education Fellowship Recruitment 2022:


  • Minimum two years in field experience
  • A bachelors degree in a relevant field of specialization
  • Ability to read, write and speak English and Tamil
  • Proficiency in basic computer and internet applications
  • Working knowledge of Google suite, MS Word, Excel and PowerPoint
  • Basic knowledge of various social media platforms and usage of the same
  • Willingness to travel within and outside the block/district for programme releated activities

Role of Fellow

  •  Support in implementing the key initiatives & its related activities
  • Support in implementation of communication strategies in the community and support to conduct other outreach campaigns
  • Support the officials to use digital tools to undertake critical activities such as identifying needs of the school, provision of training and quality implementation and other similar activities
  • Generate reports and document case studies from classrooms periodically
  • Support to improve the visibility of the initiatives across various media:social, print, radio etc.
  • Aid the district administration to create action plans for implementing the programmes effectively
  • Prerequisites include ● Minimum two years of experience in any field.● A bachelor’s degree in a relevant field of specialization

Senior Fellow

  •  5+ years of relevant work experience
  • A bachelor’s or master’s degree in a relevant field of specialization
  • Working knowledge of Google Suite, MS Word, Excel and PowerPoint
  • Basic knowledge of various social media platforms and usage of the same
  • Ability to speak, read and understand Tamil
  • Willingness to travel within and outside the block/district for programme related activities

Role of Senior Fellow

  • Support in creation of detailed action plan for activities to be carried out at district level
  • Support the district administration to conduct regular training of the various stake holders
  • Support the district administration to organise progress review meetings at the block and district level
  • Support all report generation processes for the district administration
  • Support the officials to use digital tools to undertake critical activities such as identifying needs of the school, provision of training and quality of implementation and other similar activities
  • Support the department to enable cross-learning among blocks through workshops and exchange of best practices amongst Blocks, Clusters and Schools.
Tamilnadu Education Fellowship Recruitment 2022

ஊதியம் – Tamilnadu Education Fellowship Recruitment 2022 

Fellow – Rs. 32,000 per month

Senior Fellow – Rs. 45,000 per month

விண்ணப்பிக்கும் முறை – Tamilnadu Education Fellowship Recruitment 2022

மிழ்நாடு அரசு பள்ளி கல்வி துறை  சார்பில் தேர்வு செய்யப்பட உள்ள இப்பணியிடத்திற்குத் தகுதியும், விருப்பமும் உள்ளவர்கள் https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdSR86zJsWXqtZvbkyNjJeNIENC_FvxPa-qlW3RS1Yxv1ZZGA/viewform என்ற இணையதளம் மூலம் விண்ணப்பத்தை பூர்த்தி செய்து, 22/04/2022 முதல் 15/06/2022 குள் விண்ணப்பத்தை சமர்ப்பிக்க வேண்டும்.

விண்ணப்பிக்க வேண்டிய கடைசி நாள்


SSC MTS Recruitment 2022
Online Application link  Click here
அறிவிப்பு ஆணை Click here

More Information about  Tamilnadu Education Fellowship recruitment 

The Government of Tamil Nadu believes in the power of the youth to improve the efficiency of the governance processes and hence, is launching the Tamil Nadu Education Fellowship (TNEF) to support the novel initiatives undertaken by the School Education Department. The Tamil Nadu Education Fellowship will be a 2-year fellowship that will recruit passionate young professionals to provide support for the implementation and the delivery of all critical educational initiatives by the School Education Department and achieve the vision set by the Government. A cohort of 114 Fellows and 38 Senior Fellows will be placed in teams of 4 across every district of Tamil Nadu.

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