The Secret OF Machines TNPSC Poem Figure Speech and Book back questions

The Secret OF Machines TNPSC Poem Figure Speech and Book back questions

The Secret of Machines TNPSC Poem 

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The Secret of Machines TNPSC Poem

We were taken from the ore-bed and the mine,
We were melted in the furnace and the pit
We were cast and wrought and hammered to design,
We were cut and filed and tooled and gauged to fit.

Some water, coal, and oil is all we ask,
And a thousandth of an inch to give us play:
And now, if you will set us to our task,
We will serve you four and twenty hours a day!

We can pull and haul and push and lift and drive,
We can print and plough and weave and heat and light,
We can run and race and swim and fly and dive,
We can see and hear and count and read and write!

But remember, please, the Law by which we live,
We are not built to comprehend a lie,
We can neither love nor pity nor forgive,
If you make a slip in handling us you die!

Though our smoke may hide the Heavens from your eyes,
It will vanish and the stars will shine again,
Because, for all our power and weight and size,
We are nothing more than children of your brain!

-Rudyard Kipling

The Secret OF Machines TNPSC Poem
The Secret OF Machines TNPSC Poem

Synonyms – The Secret of Machines TNPSC Poem

furnace (n) – an enclosed structure in which material is heated to very high temperatures
wrought (adj.) – beaten out of shape by hammering
gauge (n) – an instrument that measures and gives a visual display of the amount,
level, or contents of something.
thousandth (adv.) – a fraction of thousand
haul (v) – pull or drag with effort or force
comprehend(v) – grasp, understand
vanish(v) – disappear suddenly and completely

melted – having become liquefied by heating
cast – shaped
wrought – beaten out / shaped
hammered – beaten out / hit
gauged – measured
filed – burnished / sharpened
haul – pull forcefully
comprehend – understand
vanish – disappear

Appreciation Questions

  1. 1. We were cast and wrought and hammared to design,
    We were cut and filed and troled and guaged to fit.

    a. Who does ‘we’ refer to?
    ‘We’ refers to the modern machines.
    b. Who can design the machines?
    Man can design the machines.
  2. 2. And now, if you will set us to our task,
  3. We will serve you four and twenty hours a day!
  4. a. Who will serve us for a whole day?
  5. The machine will serve us for a whole day.
  6. b. Will the machine do any task without human being?
  7. No, it will not do.
  1. 3.We can neither love nor pity nor forgive,
    If you make a slip in handling us you die!

    a. Do the machines have any feeling?
    No, the machines don’t have any feelings or emotions

b. What do you mean by the word ‘slip’ here?
It means handling the machines in a wrong way.

  1. 4.We can see, and run and hear and count and read and write.
    a. Name the figure of speech used here
    b. Identify the words in alliteration.
    We, write; run, read.

5.We can pull and haul and push and lift and drive
We can print and plough and weave and heat and light.
We can run and race and swim and fly and dive.
We can see and hear and count and read and write!

a. Pick out the rhyming words in these lines.
drive, dive; light, write.
b. Pick out the rhyme scheme in these lines.

B. Write your favourite stanza from the poem and find the rhyming scheme.
But remember, please, the Law by which we live,
We are not built to comprehend a lie,
If you make a slip in handling us you die!
The rhyme scheme of this stanza is abab.

C. Read the poem and find the lines for the following poetic devices or write your own
pull, push; print, plough; run, race; stars, shine
all weak
a thousand of an inch
We can run and race and swim and fly and dive
We can see and hear and count and read and write
We will serve you
He is as busy as a bee
I am as snug as a bug in a rug
You were as brave as a lion.
They fought like cats and dogs.
He is as funny as a barrel of monkeys.

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