TNPSC – Indian Polity Previous year questions

TNPSC – Indian Polity Previous year questions

Dear Friends

We have attached here the TNPSC Group – IV Indian Polity questions with answer keys and this questions are collected from last ten years tnpsc questions from GROUP – IV Exams


Due to html scripts the order of the questions may changed but in pdf version the question orders are same

  1. Which authority conducts the local body elections?
    1. Central Election Commission
    2. State Election Commission
    3. District Election Board
    4. Observers
  2. The chairman of the Rajya sabha is
    1. the president of India
    2. the vice-president of India
    3. the speaker
    4. the prime Minister
  3. The link language of India is
    1. French B) Japanese
    2. C) Greek D) English
  4. The age for voting right in India is

A)21 years      B) 25years

  1. C) 18 years      D) 20 Years
  2. The first Indian Governor-General of free India was
    1. Gandhiji B) Nehru
    2. C) Jinnah D) Rajaji
  3. Who issues the voter identity card?
    1. Election commission of India
    2. District Collector
    3. Municipal Commissioner
    4. Chairman
  1. Arrange in chronological order:
  2. Dr.A.P.J. Abdul kalam II.Dr. Shankar Dayal Sharma
  • R. Narayanan
  1. Venkataraman. of these.
  2. A) IV,II, III, and I B) III, I, II and IV
  3. C) I, III, IV and II D) II,IV, I and III
  4. The chairman of the Finance commission is appointed by
    1. the president
  1. the prime Minister
  • the speaker of the Lok sabha
  1. the finance Minister
  1. Arrange the following Prime Minister in chronological order:
  2. Charan singh II. V.P. Singh
  • Lal Bahadur shastri
  1. Chandrasekhar of
  2. A) III, I, II & IV B) IV, II, III & I
  3. C) II, III, IV & I D) IV, III, I & II
  4. Which one of the following is not a qualification required to be the vice- President of India?
    1. He must be a citizen of India
    2. He must be able to speak, read and write in Hindi
  • He must have completed 35 years of
  1. He must be eligible for election as a member of the Rajya
  1. Which one of the following is correctly matched?
    1. Father of Indian planning
      • Gandhiji
    2. The first Governor of Tamil Nadu
      • C. Alexander
    3. First woman Prime Minister in India
      • Indira Gandhi D)First President of India
      • Nehru
  1. Who was the first woman judge of the Supreme court?
    1. Hanna Chandy
    2. Vijaylakshmi pandit
    3. Indira Gandhi
    4. Fathima Beevi
  2. Consider the following statements: Assertion (A) : The (ARC) recommended that the institution of Lokpal and Lokayakta. Reason (R) : 1. should be demonstratively Independent and
  1. their appointment should be as far as

possible non- Political.

Select your answer according to the coding scheme given below.

  1. Both (A) and ( R) are false
  2. Both (A) and ( R)is correct
  3. (A) is false but (R ) is true
  4. (A) is true but ( R) is
  5. Arrange the Presidents of India in chronological order of their term in
  6. Venkatraman
  7. Sankar Dayal Sharma
  • K.R. Narayanan
  1. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam.
  2. A) II,III,IV B) III, IV, I, II
  3. C) III, I, II, IV D) III, II, I, IV
  4. Which article empowers the President to dissolve the Lok Sabha at any time before its tenure?
    1. Art 85 B) Art 95
    2. C) Art 81 D) Art 75
  1. A) 1952 B) 1955
  2. C) 1959 D) 1962
  1. Which article of the constitution provides for the imposition of president‟s rule in the states?
    1. Article 354 B) Article 355
    2. C) Article 356 D) Article 357
  1. Which authority conducts the Local Bodies Elections?
    1. state Election commission
    2. Central Election Commission
    3. District Election Board
    4. observers
  2. During the period of which Indian Prime Minister was there hung parliament?
    1. Jawaharlal Nehru B) Indira Gandhi
    2. C) L.K. Gujral D) Rajiv Gandhi
  3. Choose the answer:
  4. The first meeting of the constituent                   Article of the constitution

Assembly of India was held in A) 1950          B) 1946

  1. C) 1948 D) 1947
  2. Consider the following statements:

Assertion (A) : The CVC has to present annually to the president a report on its performances.

Reason( R)     : The president place this report before both House of Parliament.

Select your answer according to the coding scheme given below:

  1. Both (A) and ( R) are correct
  2. Both (A) and (R) are false
  3. (A) is false but ( R) is true
  4. (A) is true but ( R) is
  1. Who presides over the joint sessions of the parliament?
    1. The president B) The Vice-president
    2. C) The Speaker D) The Prime Minister
  2. The National Development Council was established in the

prohibits the state from arbitrarily arresting any person.

  1. Article 22 B) Article 23
  2. C) Article24 D) Article 25
  1. In which part of the Constitution of India is dealt with Fundamental Rights?
    1. Part II B) Part III
    2. C) Part I D) Part IV
  2. „Glimpses of world History‟ was written by
    1. Mahatma Gandhi B) Indira Gandhi
    2. C) Jawaharlal Nehru D) Rajiv Gandhi
  3. Forty- Second Amendment Act came into force in the year
  4. A) 1947 B) 1976
  5. C) 1967 D) 1958
  6. The Governor is appointed by
    1. Judge B) Prime Minister
    2. C) Chief Minister D) President
  7. How long can a money bill be delayed by the Rajya Sabha?
    1. Two months B) Six weeks C) 30 days D) 14 days
  1. Which article permits Separate Constitution for the state of Jammu- Kashmir?
    1. Articles 370 B) Articles 390
    2. C) Articles 161 D) Articles 356
  2. Arrange the prime Minister‟s of India in chronological order of their term in office
  3. Thiru. Jawaharlal Nehru
  4. Indira Gandhi

III. Thiru. Morarji Desai

  • Lal Bahadur Shastri
  3. The word citizen is derived
    1. Greek B) Latin
    2. C) Spanish D) Urdu
  4. The Multi- Functionary at the district level is
    1. District Health officer
    2. District Labour office
    3. Tahsildar
    4. District Collector
  5. Consider the following statements: Assertion (A) : Governor can promulgate ordinance when the state legislative is not in session under Article –

Reason (R)     : These ordinance must be approved by the legislative within six months.

Select your answer according to the coding scheme given below:

  1. Both (A) and (R) are false
  2. (A) is false and ( R) is true
  3. (A) is true and ( R) is false
  4. Both (A) and (R ) are true
  1. Usually the population of a corporation is
    1. 5 lakhs B) 7 lakhs
    2. C) 8 lakhs D) 10 lakhs
  1. Indian Constitution Drafting Committee‟s Chairman
    1. Rajendra Prasad
    2. Jawaharlal Nehru
  1. B.R. Ambedkar
  2. Gandhi
  1. Which year the constitution of India (61st Amendment Act) lowered the voting age from 21 years to 18 years?
  2. A) 1988 B) 1987
  3. C) 1986 D) 1985
  4. Article 63 of the Indian Constitution refers to
    1. Vice – President B) President
    2. C) Prime Minister D) Governor
  5. Who is the chairperson of NITI Aayog?

President         B) Prime minister

  1. Vice – President
  2. Supreme Court
  3. The writ of Habeas corpus is
    1. To safeguard people from illegal
    2. The Petitioner who requires legal help to get his work done by respective public Authorities.
    3. It probability a subordinate court from acting beyond its
    4. It prevents usurpation of a public office
  4. The election process at the state level is supervised
    1. Chief Election Commissioner
    2. Supreme court Judge
    3. Chief Electoral officer
    4. High court
  5. Find out the correct statement. The Indian constitution
    1. XXII Parts, 449 Articles and 12 Schedules
    2. XXI parts, 438 Articles and 8 Schedules
    3. XXIII parts, 469 Articles and 21 Schedules
    4. XX parts, 428 Articles and 18
  6. Which of the following is incorrectly matched?
    1. Assassination of Gandhiji
      • January 30,1918
    2. Republic Day
      • January 26,1950


  1. Independence Day

– August 15,1947

  1. Constituent Assembly adopted National Anthem – January 23,1950
  1. Which of the following is correctly matched?
    1. The President
      • Guardian of our Constitution
    2. The Chief Minister

– Appointed by the Governor

  1. Supreme court
    • Unique Identification
  2. National Anthem

– Bankim Chandra Chatterjee

  1. Consumer Courts are set up in tier
    1. Two B) Three
    2. C) Four D) Five
  1. The recommendations of 15th Finance Commission will be effect from which date?
  • January 1, 2018
  • April 1, 2018
  • April 1, 2020
  • January 1, 2020
  1. Match the following :
  • Governor      Article 171
  • Chief Minister     Article 170
  • Legislative Council Article 153
  • Legislative Assembly Article 163
(a) (b) (c) (d)
(A) 3 2 4 1
(B) 3 4 1 2
(C) 1 4 3 2
(D) 2 3 1 4
  1. In which Article make provision for the appointment of a law officer, the Attorney General by President of India?

(A) Article 66               (B) Article 67

(C) Article 76               (D) Article 96

  1. The Government of India introduced the Rights to Education on
  • 15th August 1947
  • 26th January 1950
  • 1st April 2010
  • 2nd October 2012
  1. When was the Legal Services Authority Act (LokAdalat) Passed?

(A) 1985                      (B) 1987

(C) 1986                      (D) 1988

  1. Find out the wrong rules of the national
  • The national flag should be raised and lowered carefully
  • We must lower it before sun set
  • No other flag should be placed higher than it nor should any flag be placed to its left
  • We must stand in attention when the flag is hoisted
  1. Article 41 of the constitution of India guarantees
  • Right to work
  • Right to property
  • Right to live
  • Right Against Exploitation
  1. The article of the constitution provides for a Vice President

(A) Article 53               (B) Article 356

(C) Article 360             (D) Article 63

  1. National Integration Day celebrated in

(A) November-19         (B) October – 20

(C) June -10                (D) August -12


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