I am Every Woman Poem

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I am Every Woman

A woman is beauty innate,
A symbol of power and strength.
She puts her life at stake,
She’s real, she’s not fake!

The summer of life she’s ready to see in spring.
She says, “Spring will come again, my dear.
Let me care for the ones who’re near.”

Strong is she in her faith and beliefs.
“Persistence is the key to everything,”
says she. Despite the sighs and groans and moans,
She’s strong in her faith, firm in her belief!

She’s a lioness; don’t mess with her.
She’ll not spare you if you’re a prankster.
Don’t ever try to saw her pride, her self-respect.
She knows how to thaw you, saw you – so beware!

She’s today’s woman. Today’s woman, dear.
Love her, respect her, keep her near…

                                                      ——- Rakhi Nariani Shirke

I am Every Woman Poem
I am Every Woman Poem

Synonyms from the Poem I am Every Woman for TNPSC

innate – inborn and natural

stake  – risk

persistence  – determination

sigh  – emit a long, deep audible breath expressing sadness, relief or tiredness

groans  – complaints and grumbles

moans  – grieves

mess with  – meddle or interfere with.

prankster  – a person who acts mischievously

Poetry Appreciation Questions.

Read the following lines and answer the questions.

  1. The summer of life she’s ready to see in spring

     She says, ”Spring will come again, my dear Let me care for the ones who’re near.”

a) What does the word summer mean here?

Summer means adversity, pain or agony.

b) How does she take life?

She takes life positively and hopes for the better.

c) What does she mean by ”Spring will come again”?

She means that difficult times will pass by and new hope and brighter life will come up again.

  1. Strong is she in her faith and beliefs.

   “Persistence is the key to everything,” says she.

a) What is she strong about?

She is strong about her faith and belief. She is persistent to find a solution for adversities in life.

  1. Despite the sighs and groans and moans,

       She’s strong in her faith, firm in her belief!

a) Is she complaining about the problems of life?

No, she is not complaining about the problems of life. She is highly hopeful of change of


b) Pick out the words that show her grit.

strong, firm

  1. Don’t ever try to saw her pride, her self-respect.

    She knows how to thaw you, saw you –beware!

a) What do the words thaw and saw mean here?

Literal meaning of ‘thaw’ is defrosting and ‘saw’ means to cut something. Here these words mean that she knows how to crush those who oppress her.

b) What is the tone of the author?

The tone of the author is aggressive.

  1. She’s today’s woman. Today’s woman dear.

      Love her, respect her, keep her near…

a) Describe today’s woman according to the poet.

Today’s woman according to the poet is that she is ferocious like a lioness. She cannot be


b) How should a woman be treated?

A woman should be treated with love, respect and dignity.

6. A woman is beauty innate,

    A symbol of power and strength,

a) What is meant by ‘innate’?

‘Innate’ means inborn and natural.

b) Who is a symbol of power?

Woman is a symbol of power

  1. She’s today’s woman – Today’s woman, dear.

     Love her, respect her, keep her near…

a) Pick out the rhyming words in these lines.

dear, near.

b) How should a woman be treated?

A woman should be treated respectfully

She’s strong in her faith, firm in her belief!

a) Identify the words in alliteration.

she, strong ; faith, firm.

Read the lines and identify the figure of speech.

A woman is beauty innate,

 A symbol of power and strength.

She puts her life and stake,

She’s real, she’s not fake!

a) Pick out the rhyming words from the given lines.

stake, fake.

b) Add another word that rhymes with ‘strength’.

health, wealth.

c) Give the rhyme scheme for the given lines.


She’s a lioness; don’t mess with her.

She’ll not spare you if you’re a prankster.

a) Pick out the line that has a metaphor in it.

She’s a lioness.

b) Give your example of metaphor to describe the qualities of a woman.

She is an angel.

She’s strong in her faith, firm in her belief!

a) Pick out the alliterated words from the given lines.

faith, firm.

b) Pick out the alliterated words from the poem.

symbol, strength ; summer, spring

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